Graeme Base:  Anamalia
                                             (1986 - Penguin)  

     This is a well-known children's book completely created by the artist.  Each image is an expression of an alliterative alphabet animal, for example - "Zany Zebras Zigzagging In Zinc Zepplins", with a number of 'hidden' extras.  The illustrations are delightful and indeed the artist has gotten his own high-profile THE ART OF . . . book.  32 pages with almost every letter getting its own page or a double-page-spread and another piece on the cover.  Other products, including a syndicated television series, have sprung from this well-spring.

other solo illustrated projects

  James Gurney:  Dinotopia

  Adolf Schaller:  Extraterrestrials - A Field Guide For Earthlings

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