Adventure Time - Eye Candy vol.1
                                             (2013 - KaBOOM!)  

     This rather oblong book (7.5-by-11 inches) collects together a number of images displaying the characters from the TV series ADVENTURE TIME that were originally created to be covers of the spin-off comic-book series, as well as special similar covers for convention-programs and the like.  Everything is captioned with its original use, the artist's name and a separate credit for the colorist if such contributed.  There a couple of double-page-spreads that function O.K. with the book's gutter, as well as a display of a six-cover interlocking piece and the six pieces that individually make it up.  Most pieces feature the lead characters of the cartoon and, except for a little bit of deliberate diversity in presentation style, one might perceive a bit of 'sameness' in the total package, but I think that there's still a lot of fun between the covers.  Out of 128 pages there are 100 that each present a large featured art-piece.  All the artists collected within are 'well-presented' - Graham Annable, Elena Barbarich, Jen Bennett, Mike Bertino, Jeffrey Brown, Stephanie Buscema, Scott C., Lilli Carré, Emily Carroll, Nidhi Chanani, Dave Cooper, Colleen Coover, Steve Conley, Eleanor Davis, Michael DeForge, Sarah Dill, Ming Doyle, Becky Dreistadt, Nick Edwards, Logan Faerber, Franco, Frank Gibson, Steve Gonzaga, Sanford Greene, JJ Harrison (7), Kassandra Heller, Tyson Hesse, Dan Hip, Jason Ho (2), Mike Holmes (4), Chris Houghton (21), David King, James Kochalka, Rich Koslowski, Mike Krahulik, Braden Lamb, James Lloyd, Victoria Maderna, Mark Mariano, Phil McAndrew, Kel McDonald, Shelli Paroline, Brandon Peterson, Paul Pope, Joe Quinones, Craig Rousseau, Chris Samnee, Zack Sterling (2), Tessa Stone, Melanie Tingdahl, Spike Trautman, Shoichi Uehara, Jon Vermilyea, Kevin Wada, Bettie Ward, Pendleton Ward, Emily Warren, Drew Weing, Shannon Wheeler, and Steve Wolfhard.

other books of show-related art

  Sexy Two - The Art Of Dirty Pair

  Robotech Art 1, 2 & 3

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