Sexy Two - The Art Of Dirty Pair
                                             (1987 - Takuma Shoten)  

     Interesting to find a book that's actually more innocent than its title would lead you to believe.  Dirty Pair was originally a manga series that grew into an anime show (a few different ones actually) and lives on today once again in comics form.  The art collected here are cel images from that first television series.  No nudity, nothing untoward but the usual hi-jinks that two heavily-armed karmacally-challenged young female agents can get up to.  The book is 8-by-8-inches and 92 pages of color images, 75 of those being a single large reproduction to a page.  The reproduction is strikingly crisp and clear and the images chosen all seem to be able to stand as acceptable compositions for just being picked out of a video stream.  However, many, many adjoining selections are only very slight variations of their neighbors.  The four different text pages, including the indicia and index is in Japanese.  I have no idea what the "Standard edition" is supposed to mean, as I can find no other editions but those.  Be aware that the companion volume, MORE SEXY TWO, was released at practically the same time and can be imagined as being more of the same.

other books of show-related art

  Adventure Time - Eye Candy vol.1

  Robotech Art 1, 2 & 3

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