In The Stream Of Stars - The Soviet/American Space Art Book
                                             (1990 - Workman Publishing)  

     Flipping through this book, you will find any amount of space vistas, but I'll note that it is another example of where this 'genre' proper is stretched to include created images of the spacecraft we have lofted up into the heavens in our quest to get off this planet.  Take that stretching even further, and you find a compiler adding even more images, this time focusing on the human element of our space programs - know that that is also on display here.  There are so many large reproduction pages here, 135 out of the volume's 178, that it appears to be the best scoring of the 'space art' collections on The List.  24 of those great pages are utilized to exhibit a dozen images that grow over the book's central gutter (and only one completely flunks-out arranged like that).  There's another three pages gathering together multiple images.  Everything is captioned with the title and artist's name, as well as a bit of commentary.  There's also a series of short biographies about many of the painters.  Other chapters (each written from a different artist's point of view) are entitled Beginings, The History Of Space Art, Space Art In The USSR, Visions Of Flight, An Artist In Space, Exploring By Paintbrush, and To Infinity And Beyond.  The 'well-presented' artists here are:  Andrei Akhaltsev, Vladimir Arepiev, Paul Arlt, Roger Arno, Vladimir Artikov, Beth Avary (2), Valery Balabanov, Wayne Barlow, Julian Baum (2), Emile Bayard, Alan Bean (2), Wayne Begnaud, Scriven Bolton, Chesley Bonestell (3), Ludmila Bulanikova, Kurt C. Burmann, Michael Carroll, Geoffrey Chandler (2), Ken Charon, Dennis Davidson, Don Davis (2), Nadezhada Devisheva, Vincent DiFate (2)*, Paul DiMare, Don Dixon, Victor Dubrovin (2), Vladimir Dzhanibekov (2), Bob Eggleton, Carter Emmart (2), MariLynn Flynn (2), John R. Foster (2), Kelly Freas*, Frank Germain, Joel Hagen, Paul Hardy, William K. Hartmann (2), Paul Hudson (2), Tom Hunt (2), Rafik Karaev, Robert Kline, Oleg Kokin, Elena Korennova, Peter Kovalev (4), Olga Kovaleva (4), Pamela Lee, William R. Leigh, Alexei Leonov (2), Jon Lomberg (2), Angela Manno, Fletcher Martin, Mark Maxwell (2), Robert McCall (2), Ron Miller (3), Josef Minsky (2), Théophile Moreaux, Vitaly Myagkov (3), Togral Narimanbekov, Andreas Nottebohm, Tom O'Hare, Boris Okorokov, Georgii Orlov, Larry Ortiz, Anatoly Paseka, Mark Paternostro, Ludek Pesek, Alexander Petrov, Yuri Pochodaev (2), Kim Poor, Georgii Poplavski (2), Linda R. Richards, Lucien Rudaux (2), Ron Russell, Joe Shabram, Igor Shelest, Arthur Shilstone, Robert Shulman, Andre Sokolov (3), Nicholas Solovioff, Alexei Stepanov, Brian Sullivan (2), Andrei Surovtsev, Kara Szathmáry, Joe Tucciarone (2), Anatoly Veselov, H. Seppings Wright, and Galina Yakubowskaja (2).

* - Note that of the 'well-presented' pieces here by Freas, and DiFate, all can additionally be found 'well-presented' in their own collections on The List.

other Astronomical art collections

  Visions Of Space

  Space Art

  Cosmos  [BELOW THE LINE]

Other Workman releases

  Tomorrow And Beyond - Masterpieces Of Science Fiction Art

  Barlowe's Guide To Extraterrestrials

  DiFate's Catalog Of Science Fiction Hardware  [BELOW THE LINE]

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