The Fantastic World Of Boris Vallejo
                                             (1989 - Interpress)  

     As I write this, this 120-page collection isn't really that available in the American market (being apparently co-issued in different slavic regions).  It scores well below the mid-point of Vallejo's books on The List.  So, there are 52 large color reproductions here, presented in isolation, faced with only blank white pages.  There are four pages of English introduction, which is then repeated in each edition's 'home' language.  While most of the images can be found 'well-presented' in the artist's other books on The List, know that four pieces here do not appear in any of them.  While it could just be the age of the volume I have, I feel the quality of reproduction does not measure up to his other collections, even those I have from the same time period - the colors do not seem as sharp, as if the paintings have all slightly faded or washed out.  There does seem to be more of a focus on nudity in the selection.  The paintings, from the 1970s thru the late 1980s, represent the fantasy and sword & sorcery realm that he was then known for more than anything else.  All the works are captioned with an English title, as well as the translated one (those titles rarely match what the works have become commonly referred to by now).  Because of the current hard-to-get nature of this book, I'm leaving off adding it to the rating discussions of Vallejo's other books.

Related Books

  Paper Tiger's Boris Vallejo/Julie Bell books

  HarperCollin's Boris Vallejo/Julie Bell books

  Paper Tiger's Boris Vallejo books

  Boris Vallejo:  Diva

  Ballantine's Boris Vallejo books

  Boris Vallejo: Fantasy Art Techniques

  Boris books (One & Two)

  Boris Vallejo: Ladies - Retold Tales Of Goddesses And Heroines [BELOW THE LINE]

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