The Saturday Evening Post Norman Rockwell Book
                                             (1977 -Curtis Publishing)  

     Do not confuse this book with the similarly entitled series of books called NORMAN ROCKWELL AND THE SATURDAY EVENING POST which collected all of the covers of the magazine together.  This publication is more an activity book made up of features from the magazine itself - short stories, recipes, sporting articles, homecrafts, etc . . ., accompanied by Rockwell art-pieces, some which were originally associated with them and others only tangentially so.  It is a good size, making it easy to handle, but a number of books on The List here score better - namely, NORMAN ROCKWELL (MONTGOMERY), THE BEST OF NORMAN ROCKWELL, 102 FAVORITE PAINTINGS, PICTURES FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, NORMAN ROCKWELL (MARLING-TASCHEN),  A SIXTY YEAR RETROSPECTIVE, the aforementioned NORMAN ROCKWELL AND THE SATURDAY EVENING POST and NORMAN ROCKWELL'S WORLD OF SCOUTING.  This book has 160 pages and 91 of them are dominated by Rockwell's art, with 77 of those featuring single large reproductions.  Obviously a lot of repeats to be found here from those better recommended titles above, but this one can claim to have six new 'well-presented' art-pieces not yet seen and 18 of the magazine covers finally presented without the masthead & other ephemera.  Do note that the identification of the works is quite haphazard and sometimes inaccurate when it's provided.

Related Books

  Norman Rockwell (Montgomery)

  The Best Of Norman Rockwell  (A Celebration Of 100 Years)  (Tom Rockwell)

  102 Favorite Paintings By Norman Rockwell

  Abrams' Norman Rockwell books

  Norman Rockwell  (Marling-Taschen)

  the Norman Rockwell And The Saturday Evening Post books

  Norman Rockwell's World Of Scouting

  The Norman Rockwell Treasury  (Buechner)

  332 Magazine Covers

  The Norman Rockwell Album

  Norman Rockwell  -  Illustrator  [BELOW THE LINE]

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