Frank Brunner:  Carnal Delights
                                             (2005 - Carnal Comics)  

      [-BELOW THE LINE-]   Not appropriate for children or adolescents.  It is 'sold' with blurb "The Erotic Art Of Frank Brunner" on the cover, but the showpieces are tame enough to be found in any collection of this artist's work.  It is in the 16 pages of comic stories that it strays a bit into adult themes and has two images that then push the book as-a-whole into adults-only territory.  Those sequential-art pages are joined by one drawing unacceptably turned sideways, leaving the rest of this 54-page book to give good display to his art images.  34 pages feature large reproductions, nine paintings and the rest, drawings.  The volume is smaller than usual, 6.5-by-10-inchs, with a sturdy cover stapled to the folded pages (so, no real spine).  There is one good double-page-spread located at the center.  Included within the contents are all the plates (and logos/covers) of Brunner's two different ALICE IN WONDERLAND portfolios and most of the FLESH & FANTASY II paintings.  Everything is captioned with a title and the creation year.  Though it can't get itself up onto The List, do know that this book sports 19 'well-presented' pieces that don't appear (or don't get the full-page treatment) in MYTHOS or EYES OF LIGHT.

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  Vanguard's Frank Brunner collections

  Brunner's Beauties  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Brunner Mystique vol.1 & 2  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Frank Brunner portfolios  [BELOW THE LINE]

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