Frank Brunner portfolios
    Bran Mak Morn
    Stormbringer - The World Of Elric
    Flesh & Fantasy [I]
    Flesh And Fantasy II
    Alice In Wonderland [I]
    Alice 2 - Through The Looking Glass

     [-ALL BELOW THE LINE-]   Certainly not art-BOOKS by any stretch of the imagination, but it seems worthwhile to track how these artworks figure into the body of Brunner's canon being gathered into various collections.

     Bran Mak Morn portfolio    [-BELOW THE LINE-]  (1976 - Middle Earth Publishing)    In this case, it's important to know that the cover image & two art-pieces here have yet to be 'well-presented' in either MYTHOS or EYES OF LIGHT, but if you have those two books you have the other four.

     Elric portfolio    [-BELOW THE LINE-]  (1979 - Looking Glass Productions)    Portfolio contains drawings and one painting used as the folder cover.  EYES OF LIGHT reproduces all the drawings, but the painting has yet to be well collected.

     Stormbringer - The World Of Elric portfolio    [-BELOW THE LINE-]  (1982 - Shanes & Shanes)    Portfolio contains six paintings and the folder cover.  EYES OF LIGHT uses one of them as its cover and MYTHOS has another four, leaving two that still need to be well-collected.

     Flesh & Fantasy [I] portfolio    [-BELOW THE LINE-]  (1974 - Middle Earth Publishing)    This was a collection of six drawings and a title illustration.  A very small subset of the portfolios, 20, were hand-colored by the artist and look beautiful (in a future collection, these special ones should be reproduced).  Two of these drawings have been collected, one each in MYTHOS and EYES OF LIGHT, but the remaining five images need to be 'rescued'.

     Flesh And Fantasy II portfolio    [-BELOW THE LINE-]  (1982 - Concord Graphics Arts)    This was a collection of six color prints in a titled folder.  All six images are reproduced in MYTHOS, but one of them "Mirage" (AKA "Crash Landing") is not ideal.

     Alice In Wonderland portfolio    [-BELOW THE LINE-]  (1977 - Middle Earth Publishing)    Six plates and title-card image.  One plate appears in EYES OF LIGHT, but the rest still need to be well-collected (though if you lower your standards, all of these pieces and the ones in the follow-up portfolio are reproduced as full-page images in CARNAL DELIGHTS).

     Alice 2 - Through The Looking Glass portfolio    [-BELOW THE LINE-]  (1981 - Looking Glass Productions)    One color plate, six drawings and envelope image.  The painting appears in MYTHOS and and two of the drawings are in EYES OF LIGHT, but the rest still need to be well-collected (though if you lower your standards, all of these pieces and the ones in the first Alice portfolio are reproduced as full-page images in CARNAL DELIGHTS).

Related Books

  Vanguard's Frank Brunner collections

  Brunner's Beauties  [BELOW THE LINE]

  The Brunner Mystique vol.1 & 2  [BELOW THE LINE]

  Carnal Delights  [BELOW THE LINE]

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