Alphonse Mucha - Posters And Photographs
                                             (1971 - Academy Editions / St. Martin's Press)  

     [-BELOW THE LINE-]   (by Jiri Mucha)   Note that the full title listed above was from title page of the earliest edition, but that book's cover and those of later editions, sported only MUCHA.  Of the book's 136 pages, 96 are taken up with photographs, greytone reproductions of color works and biographical text.  That does not leave enough art pages to make it up on to The List.  The color plates are crisp and sharp, so it's a shame that there aren't more of them.  There were reportedly later editions that were slightly larger (eight pages), but I haven't come across one yet.  Needless to say, all the other Mucha books on The List are ranked higher than this one.  There isn't much to recommend this one, though there are 11 sketches & drawings not seen well-presented in other volumes here, if seen at all.

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  Drawings of Mucha

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  Alphonse Maria Mucha  [BELOW THE LINE]

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