Edd Cartier:  The Known And The Unknown
                                             (1977 - Gerry de la Ree)  

     (edited by Dean Cartier, the artist's son).   Edd Cartier's drawings are a treat.  Seeing how this is probably the only collection that's going to be pulled together featuring his work, it's a real shame that the choice was made to turn a third of the art sideways.  So out of the 128 pages, only 79 are left to feature single large-reproductions with another seven pages that each have two images.  All the drawings are from the pulp magazines ASTOUNDING and UNKNOWN, so they are all at play in that SF/Fantasy milieu, with alien & mystical creatures, grizzled crones, monsters, demons and weird settings by the bushel.  Everything is captioned with the story & author being illustrated, along with the publication-year.  Very enjoyable, but I can always wish for better.

other Gerry de la Ree releases

  De La Ree's Stephen E. Fabian books

  The Art Of The Fantastic

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