The Best Of Stephen Fabian
                                             (1976 - Loompanics Unlimited)  

     [-BELOW THE LINE-]    This would be a good collection of Fabian's artwork, but it is spiral-bound, leaving it without a true spine as this particular site views it.  Promotional materials mention that each spiral-bound page would be easy to snip out and framed if so desired.  So after the opening pages and a three-page list of plates, there are the 50 plates, each captioned at the bottom with its number and with a blank back.  There is one plate presented sideways, but I guess it is made up for by the featured cartoonish illustration on the back cover.  Included within are a number of fanzine covers, sci-fi/fantasy/horror illustrations and originally private works.  While it doesn't make it up on to The List, do know that when canvassing the four Fabian collections that are, found here are only 12 repeats, leaving 38 new images to perhaps attract you to securing this volume, despite its flaws.

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  Gerry De La Ree's Stephen E. Fabian books

  Miller & Underwood's Stephen E. Fabian books

  Stephen E. Fabian portfolios  [BELOW THE LINE]

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