Beyond Science Fiction - The Alternative Realism Of Michael Whelan
                                             (2017 - Baby Tattoo)  

     This 6.5-by-10-inch book scores as the best presentation of Michael Whelan's work on The List yet.  Smaller than what we've been treating as the standard size of 'traditional' art books, but some might consider this optimally manageable as you pore over the works.  The majority of works here are presented in a full-bleed fashion on their art-pages (there are 122 art-pages out of the book's 144 pages).  Know that 62 of those art-pages are utilized to present 31 large pieces that spread over the center-gutter, most into a full double-page-spread (all but two remain acceptable in that presentation, some are very effective).  There is also two other pages that carry two images each.  Note that there are no page-numbers and that the captions are simply the titles, creation-year, size, medium & 'category'.  There is clearly less of his illustrative work with the greater focus being on his private pieces, which he labels 'personal vision'.  No complaint here, as those pieces can be extremely evocative as well, if not traditionally 'dramatic'.  The text includes a three-page overview of his career, and his thoughts about its features.  There are also appreciations by fellow artist Robert Williams and this publishing company's ringmaster, the last being accompanied with their own full-bleed evocation of the brand's own 'Carnival Of Astounding Art' by Emroca.

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