One Man Army - The Action Paperback Art Of Gil Cohen
                                             (2020 - New Texture)  

     (edited by Robert Deis & Wyatt Doyle)    First, know that the hardback edition of this book is a deluxe one, having 24 more pages of material which one imagines is mostly art.  It's great to see another life-long illustrator get a dedicated collection (not to mention another volume from the same publisher of the artist's aviation-related work).  Do note that the works here are all in service of the universe of paperbacks surrounding Mark Bolan (the Executioner) - that includes 20 exhibits from the Able Team & Phoenix Force spin-offs.  Perusing the slightly thinner, 8.5-by-8.5-inch, 116-page edition, you find 96 full-page reproductions of Cohen's original paintings, along with a very healthy text section, mostly in Cohen's voice, detailing the intersection of this narrative hero and the artist's depiction of him and his world.  All the art pages are displayed with no typography whatsoever, other than page numbers (which is important because there is a final two-page guide that details on which book each of the art pieces were).  This is one of those rare art books that utilizes 'flat' page-finish rather than glossy - I'd comment that, to my eyes, there does seem to be an effect here on the art presentation, if only ever so slight.

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