Qua Brot
                                             (1985 - Kyle Hailey (self-published)  

     [-BELOW THE LINE-]    This is a 1985  [American] fanzine, produced by Kyle Hailey, devoted to appreciation of the long-passed EC Comics.  It was styled as QUA BROT #1, but no other issues ever appeared.  The form is long sheets doubled over and stapled on the fold, robbing it of a square-bound spine.  Both front & back covers are painted preliminaries of Frank Frazetta, but know that everything inside is black-&-white (unfortunately, you will find several color subjects presented that way).  68 pages yields 42 where the art holds its own or better, 32 of those having featured large-ish reproductions and the rest, multiple images gathered together.  The works feature EC comic panels, spot drawings, promotionals, sketchwork and plenty of non-EC work by the artists being appreciated.  'Well-presented' pieces are by:  Jack Davis, Al Feldstein, Frank Frazetta (8)***, Jane Gennaro, Graham Ingels, Al Jaffee, Roy Krenkel (3), Joe Orlando, John Severin (2), Al Williamson, Basil Wolverton (2), Wally Wood (6), Bernie Wrightson, and UNKNOWN ARTIST (3).

*** - Note that regarding Frazetta's 'well-presented' pieces here, some, but not all, can additionally be found so in his own collections up on The List

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