Twenty Years Of Art - Elmore
                                             (2001 - Tintagel Media)  

     There are more comprehensive collections of Larry Elmore's work, developed in the years after this one, that I haven't looked at yet, but this one seems a very well put-together volume and of manageable size.  It has 144 pages, plus its wraparound cover, which includes 98 pages of featured large reproductions and another 34 pages that each contain two smaller images.  Six of the featuring pages are used to showcase three double-page-spreads and they all remain satisfactory, but eight more pages of the book are wasted presenting four large works sideways and giving them blank facing pages.  There's also a couple of pages carrying examples of Elmore's sequential comic art.  The captions throughout detail each work's title, creation-year and medium.  Most of the book conveys the people & places of our fantasy realms, but there are a handful of pages that display his work in the more modern milieu, not to mention a couple of images that depict that weird nexus where they intersect.

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