Joseph Michael Linsner:  The Portable Dawn
                                             (2000 - Sirius Entertainment)  

     Do note that this book is small, about 4-by-5 inches.  It was apparently the first collection of Linsner's art, focusing on the Dawn comic series & graphic novels with which he was becoming most known at the time.  Three images are turned sideways, leaving 58 others 'full-size' on their pages, along with three more on the back cover and inner liners.  There is also a two page introduction from the artist himself.  Dawn, the character, doesn't figure in every single image, but certainly almost all.  Most could be said to be dramatic pin-ups, but some can be seen to have been clearly drawn out of an ongoing narrative.  Each painting is accompanied by a sideways caption divulging where the image was originally used.  The two other Linsner collections on The List, GIRLS & GODDESSES and THE ART OF JOSEPH MICHAEL LINSNER, would clearly be recommended before this tiny volume, but I think I can say that more than half of the images here are not repeats from either of them.

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