Dean Yeagle:  Mélange
                                             (2011 - Akileos)  

     This appears to have originally been a 2007 French release, that was re-issued in 2011, with then another 'updated' edition that year, with English text translations in place and 32 more pages of art added.  I would say that you definitely want to focus on getting this last particular 160-page edition, as the new pages would really seem to be more than just afterthought sketchwork.  Do note that all the editions are by the same publisher, Akileos.  Along with the pieces on the front & back covers, you will find here 101 pages that feature a large reproduction and another 47 that have multiple images collected together.  There could have been more identification of what was going on in the creation of many of the animation & pin-up pieces.  I should mention that there is a whole 65-page section featuring Yeagle's creation, Mandy (with her characteristic red-ribboned pig-tailed hair & large green eyes), and while included there-in is a healthy amount of varied straight compositions or scenes, an un-ignorable amount of portraits & figure-studies of the character, not to mention the Mandy-clones that show up in the other sections, make for a subtle impression of sameness throughout.  There is no shortage of nudity, but unconscious innocence seems to pervade.

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