Visions - The Art Of Arthur Suydam
                                             (1994 - Dark Horse)  

     This is a solid collection of Suydam's work from the mid-1990s and before (larger than usual at 12-by-12-inch size).  128 pages, with 83 of them having the art dominate.  66 of those are large reproductions, including ten double-page-spreads (one of those disappoints due to the distortion at the central gutter and another is a tell work turned sideways).  Vanguard Production's 2005 release, THE FANTASTIC ART OF ARTHUR SUYDAM, is a slightly better collection, but there are only ten 'well-presented' images here that repeat from that book.  The other pages of this book display examples of his sequential art, in addition to photographs, biographical material, sketchwork and effusive commentary about the artist's work.  The book has only four divisions, beyond the introduction, Paintings, Children's Books, Drawings, and Comics.  The captions are adequate, giving titles, creation-years, original use and the publishers.

Related Books

  The Fantastic Art Of Arthur Suydam

  The Art Of The Barbarian

Other Dark Horse monographs

  Eric Joyner:  Robots & Donuts -  The Art Of Eric Joyner

  Charles Vess:   Drawing Down The Moon - The Art Of Charles Vess

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