Bill Mauldin's Army
                                             (1951 - Sloane)  

     You can probably tell that one of the books pictured above is a standard paperback edition, produced by Paperback Library - note that that particular book has less than half of the pages that the rest of them do.  The regular edition is a somewhat compact book, 9-by-7-inches, with 384 pages that include 336 large reproductions and another 44 pages with multiple drawings presented.  Seven of the ten larger images that spread over the central gutter, do so successfully.  All the drawings are black-&-white and were originally cartoons published in the newspaper STARS AND STRIPES, a periodical published by the United States Armed Forces for their own troops.  The subjects were, as you would imagine, the Armed Forces and the World War that was happening at the time.  I wanted to specifically point out that, while the iconic dogfaces, Willie & Joe, figure in many of the hundreds of drawings here, I'd venture to say that half-or-more are images of different individuals, in different situations, with different viewpoints.

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