Portrait Of An Era As Drawn By C.D. Gibson
                                             (1936 - Charles Scribner's Sons)  

     [-BELOW THE LINE-]   (by Fairfax Downey)   This seems to have been considered THE biography of Gibson for decades.  Unfortunately, more than 60 full-page drawings are turned sideways and another handful are color paintings presented in black-&-white.  After the writitng and archival photographs, only 127 pages are left in this 415-page book to focus on art display.  In addition to the 113 well-presented Gibson pieces (many of which are half-page, accompanied by text), there are also several more found here executed by George DuMaurier, James Montgomery Flagg, Oliver Herford, Rea Irvin, William Oberhardt and H.T. Webster (2).  Art-wise, I'm confident that the collections of his work that are on the market will prove more satisfactory than this volume.

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