Michael Manning: Lumenagerie (1996 - Amerotica / NBM Publishing)
Not appropriate for children & adolescents. Michael Manning is known for a number of graphic novels that have tested the boundaries of depicted sexuality in fantasy milieus. This book collects instead single black-and-white artworks, most with all the same extreme adult themes and with a graphic design sensibility that would be less effective as part of a continuing narrative. The drawings are not captioned. There are 58 art-pages among the book's 80. The rest are an interview with the artist and a number of double-page chapter breaks (the titles being Aviatrix, Domina, Canus, Servus, Gynandros, Equine and Noctura). The four double-page art-pieces are not really disturbed by the split across the center. Again, adult themes dominate the book, so it should be put away from children.
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