The Movie Posters Of Drew Struzan
                                             (2004 - Running Press)  

     This book makes for an enjoyable sit-down experience of thumbing through this not-too-heavy 'gallery', but ultimately, it can't be recommended because all but one of these movie posters appear in one or the other signifcantly higher-scoring editions of OEUVRE.  Each of 98 paintings gets its own page (though six are turned sideways).  They are arranged in alphabetical order and there's also an index in the back, displaying thumbnails of each of them.  Each page is captioned with the title of the movie that the painting was done for, along with the copyright holder of what's depicted.  I should make sure and mention that this gathers the original paintings that would later have typography added to make up the actual movie posters themselves.  Unless the title was made an integral piece of the art from the beginning, it won't be seen here.  There are 13 text pages with a biographical rundown of Struzan's career to date (though there does seem to be some text missing, as one of the pages begins mid-sentence).

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  Graphic Thrills - American XXX Movie Posters 1970 to 1985  vols.1 & 2

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