Luz - The Art of Ciruelo
                                             (1997 - DAC Editions / Chimera Publications)  

     This 128-page book has 10 of them displaying materials from two other books, CIRUELO and THE BOOK OF THE DRAGON, but their presentation here is not as good as in those collections.  With that said, there are another 82 pages of well-presented art of his and 24 of smaller multiple images.  Six of the seven double-page spread pieces are satisfying, because most of them are laid out to be the center of their book-section portfolio, thereby eliminating most of the distortion caused by the gutter.  Some of the pieces are drawings of fine line-work, as well as logos, designs and a number of his experiments in painting images on rocks, using the found texture for enhancement.  The works are captioned with a title & origination year, and if one is a book cover, the author & publisher are provided as well.  There are a couple of text pages about the author and his proclivities and among the art there are various short elaborations about the medium and manner in which an accompanying piece was created, along with number of scattered paragraphs detailing the author's musings about different aspects of the illustrative field.  Between the covers you'll find aliens, robots, dragons, knights, wizards, ice-maidens, vampires, werewolves, ghouls, castles, futuristic ruins & fantastical creatures.

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