Frank Kozik:  Desperate Measures Empty Pleasures
                                             (2002 - Last Gasp)  

      Not appropriate for children or adolescents.  Title confusion abounds here.  On the indicia page of this book it is registered as DESPERATE MEASURES EMPTY PLEASURES, but the cover only displays DESPERATE MEASURES (with the second phrase displayed on the back cover) and the spine clearly says EMPTY PLEASURES, DESPERATE MEASURES (and there is no true title page).  Then, the cover announces "VOL. 3", but the actual meaning of that seems to be that this is the third collected volume of Kozik's artwork, though not the third book with this title.  58 pages, plus the cover, feature drawn/painted art, as this site defines it - 50 large reproductions and nine multi-image pages.  53 other pages feature posters utilizing images from modified photographs or wide posters displayed on their side.  As you would imagine from this artist, there's a significant design sensibility here, even in the display of the designed posters themselves.  All of these posters are presented in the manner of their first use, with all the logos and typography included.  A number of different styles are played with, with anarchy & tongue-in-cheek pin-up getting the most thematic representation throughout.  However, at least one image suggests adult themes, albeit in a parodying manner, leading to our recommendation that the book be kept away from minors.

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