Raymond Poïvet
                                             (1992 - Editions Européennes)  

     [BELOW THE LINE]  A very slim volume from France.  It didn't make it onto The List because not enough of its 48 pages fit our own criteria for "art" pages.  As his fame comes mostly from his comics work, most of the examples are of simply sequential-art pages from his well known European projects.  In fact, 12 of the pages are a reprinted word-less SF story.  The 15 single-image pages there are are of subjects like Christopher Columbus, Pasiphaë, the biblical Judith, alien monsters and fashionable women.  There is some female semi-nudity.  The text is all in French.  As of this writing, other than maybe E-Bay, there isn't a U.S. market outlet for this book and be aware that the usual market place links here (sending you to Amazon-France) may not work, as its listing there seems to come and go.

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