The Art Of Mara McAfee
                                             (1981 - Pocket Books)  

     [-BELOW THE LINE-]  Very fun art, but too little of it.  26 paintings, presented cleanly, "suitable for framing", on the back of each a page blank, except for the title of the piece and its source/original use.  They are a great display of McAfee's work from movie posters, greeting cards and magazine illustrations (most notably NATIONAL LAMPOON).  Many of the latter are in a style to lovingly parody that of Norman Rockwell and now, more than 30 years later, seem nostalgic in themselves.  Unfortunately, six of the paintings are turned sideways and another seven pages are text (mostly with helpful commentary and biographical details).  By my lights, that is all just too many missed opportunities to share more art with us and kicks the book out of the pool.  A real shame, as this seems to be the only collection of her work extant.

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