Brad Johannsen:  Occupied Spaces
                                             (1977 - Harmony Books)  

     24 psychedelic full-bleed images, a dozen of them being double-page-spreads.  12 more pages of collected writings from several sources.  It looks like the double-page-spreads would be suitable for vinyl-record album covers (front & back), like works that this artist is known to have produced, but I don't think these particular pieces were used as such.  I'm thinking these are all original pieces, maybe produced with this collection in mind.  Anyway, these large paintings, being semi-abstract, are not made useless by being laid across the gutter, but I've seen some of them on the web, displayed as cohesive single images and those seem to be superior presentations.  Still, this is a colorful and fun fantasy book that carries that wistful 'scent' of college early-adulthood finding-oneself.  One of the pieces here suggests a graphic adult theme, so one might want to be circumspect about leaving it just lying around.

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