The Art Of Morris 'Mo' Gollub book1    An unsung hero.  60-plus images.

  The Art Of Morris 'Mo' Gollub book2    An unsung hero.  60-plus images.

  Weird Fantasy Awaits  book2 - Gold Key comics    Their painted art & more. 50-plus images.

  Illustrations Galore  (book3)    A fledgling collection of long works.  50+ images.

  Needs to be emptied of non-western  book1    comment to come.  xx images.

  Illustration Galore BookX - Dell comics    Their painted covers & more  (includes cover-work).  XXX-plus images

  The Unknown Cover Artists Of Dell/Western     Works by these company's comic artists yet unidentified. 125-plus images.

  The Cover Artists Of Dell/Western (A - S)    Works by the impressive stable utilized by the comic partnership. 125-plus images.

  The Cover Artists Of Dell/Western (S - Z)    More works by the impressive stable utilized by the comic partnership. 40-plus images.

  The Cover Artists Of Dell/Western - Book Y    Covers by the impressive stable utilized by the comic partnership. 170-plus images.

  The Cover Artists Of Dell/Western - Book Z    More covers by the impressive stable utilized by the comic partnership. 150-plus images.

  The Art Of Rafael Gallur & Dagoderto Dinorin    Works of the incredibly prolific libros cómico cover team.  CAUTION- some nudity & violence. XX-plus images.

  Rafael Gallur's Western Fury!    Works of a generally unsung master of the libros cómico covers.  CAUTION- some nudity & violence. XX-plus images.

  Mexican Extreme    The bold cover-art of the adult mexican comics.  CAUTION- some nudity & violence. XX-plus images.

  Illustrations Galore  book 2 Whimsey    a fledgling collection.

  The Superhero Freak Flag Flys High!    a fledgling collection.

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